Monday, May 3, 2010

A Cookie Conundrum

I have a chocolate-chip cookie conundrum, and I'm hoping y'all can help.

I have been making chocolate-chip cookies for as long as I can remember, but have never found that perfect recipe, one that gives me fluffy, chewy cookies. Although they taste good, mine always seem to come out more on the flat, crispy side, no matter what I do. And flat and crispy is fine and dandy if that's what you want ... but I want thick, fluffy, chewy chocolate-chip cookies!

Is it the butter? The softened butter, perhaps? Should I use cold butter instead, even though the recipe clearly calls for softened butter? Or should I use margarine? What about shortening?

I've even tried recipes that say they will turn out the way I want, but they never do. And y'all know how I follow recipes to a tee -- especially when baking.

So what gives? Please share any ideas, inspiration, advice you have.

Until then, I'll keep trying. Patrick - who has never met a chocolate-chip cookie he didn't like - won't complain!

*Photos are now courtesy of Patrick and his new toy, a Canon Rebel DSLR camera - no more iPhone pictures!


  1. Whitney, I almost mentioned that Sweet Mama's cookies are what I'm going for! But I think you may be on to something -- when I get a craving for cookies I should just go buy some from there - much easier and less cleanup!

  2. I think the key is to use Crisco and not butter.


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