Friday, February 19, 2010

Essential kitchen appliance

If onions make you cry, jalapenos burn your fingers and mincing vegetables is just a time-consuming pain in the bootie, this little gadget is for you.

It's the KitchenAid Chef's Chopper, and it is one of my essential kitchen appliances. It's small - it holds up to three cups - and is oh, so handy. I have never enjoyed mincing onions and other veggies into small, uniform pieces, but this chopper makes fast, easy work of it. I use it at least three times a week. And when you're done, just throw the plastic parts in the top rack of the dishwasher (I hand wash the blade), and voila, you have perfectly chopped or minced veggies!

Seriously, it would take me forever to mince an entire onion (I'm just too stinking slow and anal), plus I always end up with tears streaming down my face and a runny nose. Not to mention the stinky fingers. I paint a lovely picture, eh? But those things are gone forever when I use this!

This is not a paid endorsement (I wish!), but is just a PSA from me to you. That's how much I use and love this little gadget.

Oh, and wear disposable gloves (like the kind doctors wear) when you work with jalapenos - they work wonders!

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